PERSONALITY GUIDE: Introverts vs. Extroverts

The research of Duty Phycomatrix shows that in most of the jobs, Extroverts (open minded and talking people) are having good salary packages. Whereas in America, according to Chicago's consultancy firm G.H.Smart recently showed that all over the world most of the successful CEO's are Introverts. This results were obtained by studying the personality of almost 2,000 CEO's for 10 years.
The introvert leaders like Mark Zuckerberg, Larry Page, Warren Buffett, Elon Musk are successful examples for the word. According to psychologists, success depends on your attitude and behavior. Therefore if you choose your career on the basis of introvert or extrovert then it can open the doors of success for you. If you are an Introvert personality person then choose the field which provide you following benefits:
  • More pressure on completing the given task (task oriented) instead of maintaining relationships. 
  • You have your own space to work and there should be no pressure of deadlines to complete work fast.
  • There must be less need of social interaction. 

List of Job options for Introvert Personality People:

Video Game Designer


Social Media Manager


Mechanical Engineering

Web Developer

Fine Artist

If you are an Extrovert then following are some field options for you:

  • Jointly based on relationship maintenance and team collaboration
  • You need to interact with different types of people.
  • The work environment is dynamic.
  • Where there is more need of action instead of thinking.

Sales Manager

Event Planner

Financial Advisor

HR Advisor


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