JOB GUIDE: 4 Highly In Demand Skills/Habits To Implement Befor Starting Your Career

According to career counselors, before your job during your studies, the way you train yourself will decide the accomplishments of the next 10 years of your life. In today's real world, you will not get success in your career just through your degree, rather you have to start your professional life with college days. 

The following 4 habits will help you in your career:
  • Public Speaking
In the survey of presentation platform Prezy 70% people agreed that the skill to expresss your thoughts in front of large number of audiance can make you successful. Read books and make notes through Google on the topic on which you are going to speak. You must set a goal to speak at least twice in a month.
  • Reading
Even the American entrepreneur Warren Buffet daily reads in between his working hours. Reading something everyday can make a big change in your personality. It is proved through research  that reading increases your IQ level. Read the books related to industries in which you want to work in future. Also read about the most successful people in the field of your career.
  • Rationality
If you don't have your thoughts or view point on any topic then you cannot brcome a part of debate. Duee to this you ca also not succeed in group discussion round which happens before an interview. If possible than always update yourself with national/international news and affairs.Doing this consistantly will make you highly logical and resonable person, which will help you in your professional life.
  • Flexibility
This is a type of habit which is now demanded in all types of jobs. With the help of flexibility you can fit in any type of job roles. Meeting new people with flexibility will give you open mind to think and chance to fit in your work culture. 


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